Friday, December 31, 2004


This year has been a very blessing and meaningful year for me. Thank's to God I can spent this whole year in Sydney although in the end I have to end my journey by coming back to Jakarta. I admit living in Sydney has trained me a lot about many things that I never thought about them before. This wonderful journey has taught me three main things:

1. Thanksgiving to God
That we always need to thank's God for everything that given to us. Sometimes we are often take things for granted. We always complain if we are facing such bit difficulties and problems. We forget that there are people who suffer a lot tougher condition. We failed to remember that God has given us some many blessings through many ways, although in fact we are not worthy to receive these. I think we need always to think of others and God's mercy before complaining.

2. Surrender to God
Another important thing that I learnt throughout this year was surrender. I admit that I am a kind of person that hard to let go something that I want. That caused me so much stress. But after all of the experiences, I realised that God always in control. He is a perfect planner. Nothing under his control can ever be out of control.

3. The important of having a fellowship
Having a christian fellowship is one of important way to help you grow in God. It is because sometimes we are weak and not strong enough to face problems or sometimes we need to communicate with others about God. Through fellowship we can find suport from others and grow together in Christ.

Probably there are many things that I haven't mentioned about, I pray that God will continue to help me grow although I am not in Sydney anymore.

Collosians 2:6-7 "So, then just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord continue to live in Him,
rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with

1 comment: said...

hi tri, how r u coping there? have you missed me yet =)

btw, tuh telpon gua mo disconnect aja, what should be done?