Friday, August 20, 2021

Walk away...

from arguments that lead you to anger.
Walk away from people who deliberately put you down.
Walk away from pleasing people who never see your worth.
Walk away from any thought that undermines your peace of mind.
Walk away from from judgmental people who do not know your struggle or what you've been through.
Walk away from your mistakes and fears, they don't determine your fate.
The more you walk away from things that poison your soul, the healthier you will be.

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Sebuah Jalan

Aku menyadari ini setelah lama merasakan luka
Namun luka itu dapat menjadi sebuah jalan
Jalan untuk mengenal siapa Engkau Tuhanku

Tidak ada kehidupan tanpa tiupan angin
Angin harus bertiup, agar pohon dapat mengakar
dalam pada tanah sehingga tetap kokoh

Itulah sebabnya angin mengayunkan pohon
Itulan sebabnya angin mengayunkan kita semua
Supaya kami bersandar hanya pada-Mu
Supaya kami tidak mengandalkan kekuatan sendiri
Supaya iman kami bertumbuh menjadi kuat
untuk menjalani kehidupan bersama-Mu

Luka dapat menjadi sebuah jalan
Kesedihan dapat pula menjadi sebuah jalan
Jalan untuk lebih dekat kepada-Mu Tuhan

Friday, August 06, 2021

The Power of Vision

Florence Chadwick, American Women's Open Water Swimmer, set a goal to swim from Catalina Island to the California Coast, 20 Miles.

By 1951, she was already practicing. It was a cold day, the water was also cold, the air was foggy.

There were two ships following her. One ship brought a coach and her mother, who gives encouragement. The other boat brought a number of gunmen to keep the sharks from getting close to it.

It's not a happy situation, but she has a goal and a big desire to get it done.

He started swimming! Seven, eight, nine hours had passed, and the land was still nowhere to be seen. Twelve, thirteen, fourteen hours later still nowhere to be seen. Finally after fifteen hours of swimming, Florence returned to the boat saying "I can't go any further!".

Then Her Mom and her coach pulled her into the boat, and actually less than a mile after that they reached the California coast.

How do you think Florence feels? All the practice, all the energy, all the effort, she's just a little less to reach her Goal.

While on the mainland the reporters asked him "What happened?" Florence replied "If only I could see the Target, I would have succeeded!".

Fortunately Florence was not a Loser, she trained and tried again a few months later, and she managed to beat the Male Swimmer Record.

What's the difference? Despite the foggy, cold weather, surging waters, and threatening sharks, similar situation like before - she visualized the California Coast clearly, brushed aside any adversity and succeeded.

Having a goal alone is not enough to make someone successful in her endeavors, but visualizing and believing that she will succeed in achieving it is the key.

Are you sure about achieving your Goal?

Monday, August 02, 2021

Small things give an impact.

In the mid-19th century, many mothers died after childbirth due to Puerperal Fever.

Puerperal Fever is a bacterial infection that attacks the female reproductive tract, after childbirth/miscarriage. At that time no one knew the cause of death of the mothers.

It was Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis (1818-1865), a Hungarian doctor of German descent, who observed that the mortality rate at birth was higher in the doctor's ward than in the midwife's ward.

The clue that helped Semmelweis solve the mystery was the death of one of his colleagues who worked at the Clinic, due to an infection after his finger was pierced by a student's scalpel during an autopsy at the hospital.

The doctor's autopsy itself revealed a common cause of death with the women who died during childbirth.

He understands the diffrences of the Clinic of doctors and medical students dissecting corpses and then assisting deliveries with the same hands. Midwives, on the other hand, do not participate in autopsies or make contact with corpses.

Then Semmelweis experimented with having doctors wash their hands with a solution of chlorinated lime (now known as a disinfectant) before assisting in childbirth, and this drastically reduced maternal mortality.

Sometimes small things can have a big impact and even save lives, but these little things are often overlooked.

Small things like being on time for work, exercising 15 minutes every day, reading a 2 page book every day, 10 minutes for prayer and read the words of God, and much more can have an impact on our health (physically as well as mentally) and success at work.

However, do we care to do or ignore it?

On March 20, 2020, the Google Doodle featured Semmelweis to show how to wash hands properly during the 2020 corona virus pandemic.