Saturday, April 23, 2022

Where is your Ability Come from?

When you believe in your ability to achieve anything you want, that idea is not only embedded in your subconscious, but also strengthens your belief.

When you believe in your own abilities, part of what you believe is the possibility of you drawing on the power of unlimited intelligence.

And because you believe you can do it, your conscious mind won't hesitate either. When the conscious mind is not resisting, the subconscious mind may send creative ideas to the conscious mind more easily.

Then once you can see that power getting stronger in your life, the easier it will be for you to act on that belief on a day-to-day basis.

Can you do it? You won't know the answer unless you let go of your defenses and believe that you can.

The belief also comes from the One who gave us the source of life. 😊🙏

So do you believe that you can do it?

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