Friday, March 25, 2022

Knowledge is Power?

This phrase was first coined by Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626), was an English philosopher and statesman who served as Attorney General and as Lord Chancellor of England.

Sir Francis meant by this phrase that having and sharing of knowledge is the foundation of reputation and influence, because it all begins with knowledge.

But is it true that "Knowledge is Power"?

Since my school days I like to read, I feel that I can explore a lot of understanding and knowledge through reading.

But one time when I was in college, a problem occurred, sometimes I quickly panicked.

Then my sister said "ah it's useless, you read a lot, you just encounter this problem, you immediately want to give up. It's useless you know a lot".

Similarly when I re-started my career in the Insurance industry, I wanted to learn everything first until I feel confident, took a lot of training.

However, my leader Gui Mei rebuked, "You can't just keep learning, but you must also practice and work on it if you want the results."

Power is Power. The ability to Act from what is known is more Powerful.

Generally people only knowing, but do not have the ability to act on it.

"Faith without works is dead". - Put your knowledge into action.

Yes, Knowledge is Power, but acting on your Knowledge is Much More Powerful.

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