Sunday, January 16, 2022

The Fear of Fear.

Decades ago, scientists experimented in the Arizona Desert, they built "Biosphere 2" - A large steel and glass enclosure with purified air, clean water, nutrient-rich soil, and lots of natural light.

It is intended to provide ideal living conditions for the flora and fauna in it.

The conditions worked in several ways but faced absolute failure in one.

Many times when the trees within the Biosphere reached a certain height, they would simply fall over.

At first, the phenomenon confused scientists. Eventually, they realised that the Biosphere lacked the most important element needed for trees to grow which was Wind.

In the natural environment, the trees are blown by the wind. They respond to the pressure and shaking by growing stronger bark and deeper roots to increase their stability.

We waste a lot of time and energy trying to stay in our own cosy bubble Biosphere.

Sometimes we fear the pressures and challenges of change, but those pressures and challenges are the wind that makes us stronger.

Or on the other hand, many also choose to give up and withdraw.

Then which one would you choose?

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein.

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