Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas moment.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Five Finger Prayer.

Apakah Anda sulit untuk berdoa? Berikut ini ada tuntunan praktis dalam berdoa yang disebut dengan THE FIVE FINGER PRAYER – Doa Lima Jari

1. Thumb – Ibu Jari - Ibu jari adalah jari yang paling dekat dengan Anda. Jadi, mulailah berdoa untuk orang-orang yang dekat dengan Anda. Mereka lebih mudah untuk diingat. Berdoa untuk orang-orang yang Anda kasihi merupakan “a sweet duty”, merupakan tugas yang menyenangkan.

2. Fore Finger, Pointing Finger – Jari Telunjuk. Jari berikutnya adalah jari telunjuk. Berdoalah untuk mereka yang mengajar, memberikan instruksi, pelatihan, dan tim medis yang melakukan diagnosa dan tindakan untuk penyembuhan. Termasuk di antaranya adalah guru, dosen, dokter dan para pelayan Tuhan. Mereka membutuhkan dukungan dan hikmat untuk memberikan petunjuk yang benar kepada orang lain. Doakan mereka selalu.

3. Middle Finger – Jari Tengah.Berikutnya adalah jari tengah, jari yang paling tinggi. Hal ini mengingatkan kita pada para pemimpin. Berdoalah untuk presiden, untuk para pemimpin dalam bisnis, dunia usaha, dunia industri dan administrasi. Mereka mengarahkan bangsa kita dan membentuk pendapat umum. Mereka membutuhkan tuntunan Tuhan.

4. Ring Finger – Jari Manis. Jari keempat adalah jari manis. Jari manis adalah jari yang paling lemah. Mungkin hal ini mengejutkan banyak orang, tetapi para guru piano memang mengatakan demikian. Jadi, hal ini mengingatkan kita untuk berdoa bagi mereka yang lemah, mereka yang sedang menghadapi masalah atau sedang sakit. Mereka membutuhkan doa kita siang dan malam. Anda tidak dapat mengatakan bahwa mereka sudah terlalu banyak didoakan.

5. Little Finger – Jari Kelingking. Terakhir, jari kelingking kita, yaitu jari yang paling kecil. Berdoalah untuk diri kita sendiri, untuk pertumbuhan rohani kita, untuk hubungan kita dengan Tuhan dan untuk hubungan kita dengan orang lain. Daud berkata di dalam Mazmur19:13 “Siapakah yang dapat mengetahui kesesatan? Bebaskanlah aku dari apa yang tidak kusadari.” Tanpa kita sadari, ada banyak kelemahan dalam hidup kita. Segala kelemahan bahkan hal-hal kecil yang sering menjadi batu sandungan bagi orang lain, seharusnya membawa kita untuk terus berdoa bagi diri kita. Selamat Berdoa!

Sampai sekarang kamu belum meminta sesuatu pun dalam nama-Ku. Mintalah maka kamu akan menerima, supaya penuhlah sukacitamu - Yohanes 16:24

Monday, December 19, 2011

Enjoy the Journey.

I found this article in my journal. I wrote this from a book, I forgot what book. Last night I read it again, I think it is good to put this entry into my blog as a reminder. I hope you all may find it useful and blessed by the words.

Proverb 4:18 "The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter till the full light of day".

Sometimes it's easy to become so goal oriented and so focused on our dreams that we over look the simple things that we should be enjoying in our everyday life. But we have to remember that life is not really about the destination. It's about how we live along the way. It's about the path we're on that shines brighter and brighter.

In this life, there is no such thing as a finish line. Once you accomplish one dream, God will give you another. When you over come one challenge, there will be another. There is always another mountain to climb. If we make the mistake of just living for the destination, we'll look up one day and realise we've missed out on the biggest path of life because most of life is routine. Most of us get up every morning, go to work, come home, eat dinner, go to bed and do it again. There are very few montain tops where you graduate from school, or you get married, or have a child, or go on vacation. The hightimes are few and far between. Don't get struck living for the mountain tops, learn to enjoy the path you're on. Learn to enjoy the simple blessings of walking in the path the Lord has prepared for you.

A Prayer today
Father God, thank you for the give of life.
Thank you for the good plan you have for me today and for my future.
Teach me to enjoy the journey of life, to embrace each day with joy and enthusiasm.
Help me to see the blessing of every moment you have given me.
In Jesus' name.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

My life is not about me anymore.

Many things has changed this past one year. I am still struggling to balance my overall activities; Work, church ministry and household's responsibilities. Work has been so demanding, by its nature, I have lived with it for almost seven years. Maybe I get use to it already. I have made choices and stay focus on a few ministry that I really can assist. The latest is not my expertise. Until last year, I was so independent, take care of my personal matters... When it comes to take care of others, I am quite disappointing.

I missed to put myself in other's shoes, it's quite sad if you received complain from people that close to you, saying that you don't care about them, egocentric and selfish. I know I am not perfect and cannot make everybody happy, but at least I need to start and put more effort to care for people surrounding me, even I need to sacrifice.. Doesn't it Christ has sacrificed for us? He came down from heaven, become a human and die on the cross for what? for us, unworthy sinner yet He does not care about that because He so loves us. As a christian, who is saved by Christ, I should not be self centred.

I'm Sorry sis If I've disappointed you by not being what you expected. I promised that from now on I will do my best to share our burden.

Act 20:24 "However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus given me - the task of testifiying the gospel of God's grace".