Sunday, November 02, 2008


A few days ago I read a reflection begin with a question: When is a bird bigger than a mountain? The first word that come into my mind was impossible, whatever kind of birds will never bigger than a mountain. Then I read through the article and found out the answer: When the bird is closer than the mountain. Hmm, the answer is truely correct. I never thought about it this before. That's also the way we see our problem. Sometimes we perceive our problem is bigger than anything even bigger than God. It is because we are closer to the problem than God. As such times, God seems as far away as a distant mountain, an we perceive Him as being small and unreachable.

Surely God is always there and give us strength to face our struggle, as He promises to "gives strength to the weary, and young men stumble and fall" (Isaiah 40:29). Just as a bird is never bigger than a mountain, no problem is ever bigger than God. It's all a matter of changing our perspective.

2 comments: said...

tri, thanks for a great reminder! it's so easy to forget how great our God is when there are problems clouding us in the surrounding. may God sustain us time and time again to keep walking in Him :)

Triana's meditated words said...

hi vie how are you? long time no news from you, where are you up to?