Saturday, November 11, 2006

Sitting at the hotel lobby..

Today at 10.21 PM I am sitting at hotel lobby in order to connect my compi to the virtual world.. Saturday night hmmm.. Currently I am in Surabaya, like usual fieldwork. :) Yeah work .. work and work.. a little sad actually, because my parent are coming to visit us (sis and bro including me) in Jakarta. In the meanwhile I was assigned to serve clients in Surabaya, what a bad timing.. :(

Hmmm, haven't got enough with the Lebaran holiday actually.. Nevertheles at least I got fun during the holiday. I went to camping !! The whole of my life I never experience sleep at a camp. It was Lingga, two month ago out of the blue called me, and ask me whether I want to join a camping event during the Lebaran holiday. At that time I thought I didn't have any plan yet, and why not. Then the day came, Lingga and I joint with a bunch of people who had registered to the event, took a bus and went to Rancaupas, Ciwidey, Bandung. After a long long journey, 5 hours ride, finally we arrived. But it didn't look good to me.. we were only provided three camp for around 160 people, which means around 53 people in a camp.. I felt like a refugee though.. at that time felt a bit regret hehe.. bcause having used to stay at hotel hihi (while doing a fieldwork) compare to slept on the floor..

One night passed with a bit insomnia and cold brrr.. still two more night to go.. foods were ok.. the committe has been working hard to prepare it for 160 people.. appreciate it.. bravo committee.. Then started to have a lot of fun, meeting people, hiking to "Kawah Putih",.. Singing, Games and many.. many.. more.. I started to like the holiday.. Then I said to Lingga, I was not regret to attend this event, although I was complaining at the first place hehe.. sorry I didn't mean it.. Then the other two nights were passed quickly and came to the end of the camping day.. Before we went home we still have time to visit Situpatenggang Lake. Thank's God, I got a wonderful holiday.. :)

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