Monday, October 10, 2005

September after fieldwork.

Since August our firm has entered the busy season for year 2005. Everyone has been scheduled to perform audit works for specified clients. Last August as I have written that I was assigned to Oil mining company and Semen Gresik afterwards. Then finally I came back to Jakarta. I felt a bit release when I came back to Jakarta. Home sweet home. However, the situation is not as beautiful as I thought. Sometimes the workload in Jakarta is more intense when perform audit work at out of town. It is due to occasionally we need to take care more than one client, while if we work outside Jakarta is more focus on a specific client. Hence, while I was still completing the documentation for Caltex and Semen Gresik, I have been assigned to another client, Adira Finance. Quite often we are forced to do multitasking.

I have only one and half week to accomplish the work for this new client. Other than that I was assigned to help my collegues to perform a parttime audit work at another client, Hero. All of the work need to be accomplish before departing to Bangkok for training. Hmmm, I was told by my collegue, Yenny, that both of us were assigned to attend A7 SPA academy in Bangkok. While waiting for departure approval, we worked hard trying to accomplish all the task in time. Unfortunately, until the last day before we departed I still have one pending job, due to the client gave me uncompleted data so I cannot verify the process flow.

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