I arise today through God's strength to pilot me
God's might to uphold me,
God's wisdom to guide me,
God's eye to look before me,
God's ear to hear me,
God's words to speak for me,
God's hand to guard me.
Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me,
Christ on my right, Christ on my left,
Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down, Christ when I arise,
Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,
Christ in every eye that sees me,
Christ in every ear that hears me,
I arise today
Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity.
Don't look down!
Keep your fork --- Something better is coming.
Monday, November 30, 2015
Monday, November 16, 2015
Grace Alone.
Every promise we can make
Every prayer and step of faith
Every difference we can make
Is only by His grace.
Every mountain we will climb
Every ray of hope we shine
Every blessing left behind
Is only by His grace
Grace alone Which God supplies
Strength unknown He will provide
Christ in us, our cornerstone
We will go forth in grace alone.
Every soul we long to reach
Every heart we hope to teach
Everywhere we share His peace
Is only by His grace.
Every loving word we say
Every tear we wipe away
Every sorrow turned to praise
Is only by His grace.
Every prayer and step of faith
Every difference we can make
Is only by His grace.
Every mountain we will climb
Every ray of hope we shine
Every blessing left behind
Is only by His grace
Grace alone Which God supplies
Strength unknown He will provide
Christ in us, our cornerstone
We will go forth in grace alone.
Every soul we long to reach
Every heart we hope to teach
Everywhere we share His peace
Is only by His grace.
Every loving word we say
Every tear we wipe away
Every sorrow turned to praise
Is only by His grace.
Monday, July 20, 2015
Life is a process.
Kadang kita bertanya dalam hati dan menyalahkan Tuhan, "Apa yang telah saya lakukan sampai saya harus mengalami ini semua?" atau "Kenapa Tuhan membiarkan ini semua terjadi pada saya?"
Here is a wonderful explanation...
Seorang anak memberitahu ibunya kalau segala sesuatu tidak berjalan seperti yang dia harapkan. Dia mendapatkan nilai jelek dalam raport, putus dengan pacarnya dan sahabat terbaiknya pindah ke luar kota.
Saat itu ibunya sedang membuat kue dan menawarkan apakah anaknya mau mencicipinya. Dengan senang hati anaknya berkata, "Tentu saja, I love your cake."
"Nih, cicipi mentega ini," kata Ibunya menawarkan.
"Yaiks," ujar anaknya.
"Bagaimana dengan telur mentah?"
"You're kidding me, Mom."
"Mau coba tepung terigu atau baking soda?"
"Mom, semua itu menjijikkan!!"
Lalu ibunya menjawab, "Ya, semua itu memang kelihatannya tidak enak jika dilihat satu per satu. Tapi jika dicampur jadi satu melalui satu proses yang benar, akan menjadi kue yang enak."
Tuhan bekerja dengan cara yang sama. Seringkali kita bertanya kenapa Dia membiarkan kita melalui masa-masa yang sulit dan tidak menyenangkan. Tapi Tuhan tahu jika Dia membiarkan semuanya terjadi satu per satu sesuai dengan rancangan-Nya, segala sesuatunya akan menjadi sempurna tepat pada waktunya. Kita hanya perlu percaya proses ini diperlukan untuk menyempurnakan hidup kita.
Tuhan teramat sangat mencintai kita. Dia mengirimkan bunga setiap musim semi dan sinar matahari setiap pagi. Setiap saat kita ingin bicara, Dia akan mendengarkan. Dia ada di setiap saat kita membutuhkan-Nya. Dia ada di setiap tempat dan Dia memilih untuk berdiam di hati kita.
Wednesday, July 01, 2015
Rendah Hati - 1 Petrus 5:5-6.
Sebagai seorang kristen kita dituntut untuk rendah hati (1Petrus5:5), karena "Allah menentang orang yang congkak, tetapi mengasihani orang yang rendah hati". Kesombongan dapat timbul karena kecintaan diri seseorang akan kemampuannya sendiri, dan juga karena merasa apa yang kita punyai melebihi dari kepunyaannya orang lain. Seolah-olah apa yang kita dapatkan adalah berdasarkan atas kemampuan, kuat dan gagah kita. Kita lupa diri dan tidak sadar bahwa semua yang kita miliki sesungguhnya berasal dari Tuhan, sehingga tidak ada tempatnya untuk menyombongkan diri. Seperti nasehat yang Paulus sampaikan kepada jemaat di 1 Korintus 4:7 dalam versi BIS "Siapakah yang menjadikan Saudara lebih dari orang lain? Bukankah segala sesuatu Saudara terima dari Allah? Jadi, mengapa mau menyombongkan diri, seolah-olah apa yang ada pada Saudara itu bukan sesuatu yang diberi?".
Lalu bagaimana supaya kita dapat menghindari dosa kesombongan, (ayat 6), Karena itu rendahkanlah dirimu di bawah tangan Tuhan yang kuat,
Semua yang kita miliki saat ini, apakah menurut kita biasa atau istimewa, besar atau kecil dalam pandangan manusia, itu semua adalah anugerah luar biasa yang berasal dari Tuhan. Dan Paulus berkata "Ada tertulis: "Barangsiapa yang bermegah, hendaklah ia bermegah di dalam Tuhan." (1 Korintus 1:31). Sesungguhnya sebuah kasih karunia dikatakan kasih karunia karena bukan berasal dari perbuatan kita melainkan dari Sang Pemberi yaitu Tuhan sendiri. Dan itupun sudah disebutkan di dalam Alkitab. "Tetapi jika hal itu terjadi karena kasih karunia, maka bukan lagi karena perbuatan, sebab jika tidak demikian, maka kasih karunia itu bukan lagi kasih karunia." (Roma 11:6). Kesombongan merupakan bentuk penyangkalan dari hal itu, karena artinya mereka berpikiran seolah-olah semua itu adalah hasil pekerjaan mereka atau beranggapan bahwa mereka sudah sangat hebat melebihi orang lain atau bahkan Tuhan sehingga lupa diri. Menyadari bahwa kasih karunia merupakan pemberian Tuhan, milik Tuhan yang diberikan kepada kita akan membuat kita tetap sadar bahwa tidak ada satupun yang pantas kita sombongkan.
Marilah kita menyadari betul anugerah kasih karunia yang telah Tuhan berikan kepada kita. Semua yang ada pada kita hari ini sesungguhnya berasal dari Tuhan. (Ulangan 8:14-18). Ingatlah bahwa semua itu dari Tuhan, oleh Tuhan dan untuk Tuhan. (Roma 11:36). Kesombongan merupakan awal dari kehancuran seperti yang Amsal 16:18, kesombongan merupakan sikap yang ditentang Tuhan (Yakobus 4:6), dan merupakan kekejian bagi Allah sehingga tidak akan luput dari hukuman (Amsal 16:5). Kita harus mensyukuri semua yang telah diberikan Tuhan, dan itu bisa kita tunjukkan lewat sebentuk kerendahan hati bukan lewat sikap sombong atau tinggi hati. Sehingga pada akhirnya Tuhan memberikan yang dijanjikannya kepada kita (1 Petrus 5:6b) supaya kamu ditinggikan-Nya pada waktunya.
God walks with the humble, He reveals Himself to the lowly, He gives understanding to the little ones, He discloses His meaning to pure minds, but hide His grace from the proud. - Thomas Aquinas.
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Why have you chosen me?
This song is included in our church Caring Group Fellowship's worship song book, I found the lyrics of this song is really beautiful and so real...
Why have You chosen me out of millions Your child to be?
You know all the wrong that I've done
O how could You pardon me, forgive my iniquity
To save me, give Jesus Your Son
But (Oh) Lord, help me be, what You want me to be,
Your words I will strive to obey;
My life I now give, For You I will live,
And walk by Your side All the way
I am amazed to know that a God so great could love me so
He's willing and wanting to bless;
His grace is so wonderful, His mercy's so bountiful
I can't understand it I confess
Why have You chosen me out of millions Your child to be?
You know all the wrong that I've done
O how could You pardon me, forgive my iniquity
To save me, give Jesus Your Son
But (Oh) Lord, help me be, what You want me to be,
Your words I will strive to obey;
My life I now give, For You I will live,
And walk by Your side All the way
I am amazed to know that a God so great could love me so
He's willing and wanting to bless;
His grace is so wonderful, His mercy's so bountiful
I can't understand it I confess
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Trust His Heart.
God is too wise to be mistaken
God is too good to be unkind
So when you don't understand
When you don't see His plan
When you can't trace His hand
Trust His Heart
The above paragraph is a chorus of a song Title "Trust His Heart". I was listening to a bible conference message from RBC by Rev. Bill Crowder (He is my fave bible teacher). He talked about suffering, sometimes we don't know why bad circumstance happen to our life. He shared his experience when he was a young pastor for a church, he received a call from his family to inform that his dad has passed away. While his heart was overwhelmed with grief, a senior pastor came to him and said "one day you will be thankful for this". He thought why should I be thankful for my dad's death. That happened to be his first funeral service. Years have passed by, he conducted many more funeral services, because of his experience with his dad's funeral, he was able to serve the grieving family more passionately and connected with them.
Admittedly when unfavourable circumstances come to us, or on the other hand, good things have not come to us, when we are longing for something/someone, maybe a family is waiting for a child, a man/woman is looking for a job or a life partner, and yet these prayers have not been answered. We usually shout loudly in our heart "Why this happen to me? Has God forgotten me?" The above lyrics is the answer, We don't know where the current situation will bring us, maybe God is working on something to prepare us for our future. We have to know and understand our God, He has a loving heart. When we really don't understand and don't know what to do, just trust His heart.
God is too good to be unkind
So when you don't understand
When you don't see His plan
When you can't trace His hand
Trust His Heart
The above paragraph is a chorus of a song Title "Trust His Heart". I was listening to a bible conference message from RBC by Rev. Bill Crowder (He is my fave bible teacher). He talked about suffering, sometimes we don't know why bad circumstance happen to our life. He shared his experience when he was a young pastor for a church, he received a call from his family to inform that his dad has passed away. While his heart was overwhelmed with grief, a senior pastor came to him and said "one day you will be thankful for this". He thought why should I be thankful for my dad's death. That happened to be his first funeral service. Years have passed by, he conducted many more funeral services, because of his experience with his dad's funeral, he was able to serve the grieving family more passionately and connected with them.
Admittedly when unfavourable circumstances come to us, or on the other hand, good things have not come to us, when we are longing for something/someone, maybe a family is waiting for a child, a man/woman is looking for a job or a life partner, and yet these prayers have not been answered. We usually shout loudly in our heart "Why this happen to me? Has God forgotten me?" The above lyrics is the answer, We don't know where the current situation will bring us, maybe God is working on something to prepare us for our future. We have to know and understand our God, He has a loving heart. When we really don't understand and don't know what to do, just trust His heart.
Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future".
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