Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Statue of Life.

The following story was forwarded by a friend, which I thought interesting and good to share with others. Hope this story can give you or other readers inspiration.

Here they go:
Once there was a sculptor lived in a country. He worked fro a well-known king who ruled over a huge land. It made everyone knew the king and respected him.

The sculptor had worked for a long time. He made many statues that placed in the palace. They were so beautiful and the king trusted him. A lot of other kings admired the statue when they visited the palace garden.

One day the king had a big plan. He wanted the sculptor made some statue of his family and his best guards and servants. They were 100 statues. The statue of king and his family will be placed inside the palace. His best guards and servants were inside the garden. He wanted the statues in the garden were looked to protect him.

The sculptor started to work hard, days and nights. Some months later, he almost finished his works. The king came to his workshop and checked the progress. "Good, very good", the King said "I want you make your own statue to complete that monument, before I forget".

He began to work again after taking the king's comand. After a while, he finished his self own statue. Unfortunately it looked roughed. Its side wasn't polished well. He tought what the benefit for him to make a good statue if it only placed inside the garden. "The statue will be damaged soon because of sun and rain", he said to himself.

The time was over. The king came again to check his work. The King was was so satisfied. But there was a small thing that made him interested. "Why your own statue isn't polished as mine? Whereas I want to place yours beside mine. If your statue is like this, I change my mine and make yours within my other guards outside".

The sculptor was so regret. His own statue was in outside the palace. The sun and rain came toward it, as his hope about it.

The morality:
How far we appreciate ourselves? God has made us perfect with unique talent and character. And do we care to create our own statue as perfect as God's creation? Our carving that we made now will determine our place later. Create your own "Statue" well and lovely.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Inspirational Movies.

These two films are worthed to be watched. The stories are pretty simple and might happen in our real life. Although the films are not as sophisticated as Hollywood's, they are really inspirational. And maybe can change your way of thinking about this life and GOD.

Romans 10:17 "Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ."

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

A7+ SPA Academy 2008 - Group Photo.

Dinner Cruise with Philiphino mates.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

My Bag and My Mind.

got this article from a friend, and it is really true that we sometimes put so much attention at our problem..
My Bag :
Setiap hari, sebagian besar dari kita membawa tas kerja dalam perjalanan pergi dan pulang kantor. Untuk kaum wanita, tas merupakan salah satu atribut penampilan yang penting. waktu libur 4 hari ini,cobalah kita bongkar semua isi tas kita. Ternyata sepertiga atau separuh dari isi tas itu adalah barang yang sudah tidak kita perlukan: struk ATM yang sudah buram, bungkus tissue, agenda atau buku yang jarang dibaca, sekumpulan uang logam, ballpoint yang sudah macet, kumpulan tagihan kartu kredit bulan-bulan lalu dsb dsb Meskipun mungkin ringan, tetapi barang-barang yang tidak diperlukan itu terus menambah berat tas kita ...sehingga kita harus membuang barang-barang tidak berguna yang membebani tas kita....

My Mind :

Mirip dengan my bag di atas, pikiran kita ( tanpa kita sadari ) selama ini sering kita bebani dengan hal-hal yang tidak perlu juga : penyesalan masa lalu, rasa kecewa, kejengkelan dan iri kepada rekan kerja lain, sikap egois dan kurang kooperatif, perasaan tidak puas atas kondisi yang terjadi, snobisme, obsesi-obsesi yang kurang realistis, konflik keluarga dsb dsb Pikiran-pikiran yang tidak perlu itu akan terus membebani perjalanan hidup kita, sehingga dampaknya, wajah akan kelihatan kurang bersinar, suntuk / jutek, punggung terasa berat karena pikiran berkorelasi dengan punggung ), stress, hidup kurang nyaman dan yang paling parah adalah kita akan selalu membenci hal-hal yang tidak sesuai dengan kemauan kita,dsb. Yang harus kita lakukan adalah sama dengan apa yang kita lakukan dengan my bag di atas, buanglah segala beban pikiran yang tidak ada manfaatnya itu. Percayalah, hidup Anda di hari berikutnya terasa jauuuuuhhhh lebih nyaman....Makanan akan terasa lebih enak.... Kita akan lebih jarang sakit..Bekerja menjadi lebih nyaman meskipun kita menghadapi rutinitas yang itu itu saja dan juga kita menghadapi orang-orang yang kadang membuat kita menjadi tidak betah untuk terus bekerja.. Ciptakan "POSITIF THINKING" disetiap pagi ketika kita bangun tidur,karena pikiran itu erat sekali kaitannya dengan fisik kita....Biarkan positif thingking itu bekerja di dalam diri kita hingga akhirnya,keindahan hari itu akan ditentukan oleh kita dan cara pandang kita dalam menghadapi dan menyelesaikan setiap masalah.....