I've got a job, I started to work on 7th Feb. After working fortwo days, I've already got two public holidays in row, then got weekend after working for another day. what a wonderful life if every week is like that. hmmm, all of that in fact just a screensaver.. you know what, the week after that I got the real task. Company has a client at Gresik, so my manager assigned me to audit at Gresik for a week. Basically, the accomodation is goode nough, except the food sometimes a bit no taste. The task was confusing, because last year audit report was not documented completely so it is difficult to follow up and review some issues. Haven't finished the documentation completely, I came back to Jakarta last saturday and will continue to follow up other issues from Jakarta. Suddenly, on sunday my collegue called me said that on monday got another client at Cikarang. Cikarang about40-50 Kms from Jakarta, and I need to stay there for another week.
Yeah, that the risk work as an auditor, always mobile. I think it is also an opportunity to travel around Indonesia, to see the places and people at other side of Indonesia. Sometimes feel funny, I went to more places in Australia within only in one and half year than places in Indonesia.
PS: I've just got another niece, so I have two nieces now. hmm, suddenly feel old when someone start calling you "auntie" :P